Krookodile @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
Krookodile can make for an excellent UU revenge killer and late-game sweeper. Its interesting typing gives it some useful STABs to work with, making it somewhat like a lower-tiered version of Scarf Tyranitar. Moxie is probably what makes this set most dangerous; since many players sacrifice team members to regain momentum, Krookodile can make things difficult for most opponents.
This set hits an Attack stat of 366 and works really well with a Choice Scarf. Krookodile is pretty efficient at trapping Ghost-types, thanks to its Dark STAB and and high physical power. Later in the match, Krookodile can be used to sweep with the appropriate move, having Moxie boost its power after every kill.
Ground / Dark is an excellent offensive typing that gives Krookodile good coverage against most opponents. Earthquake is the set's most powerful move, but it should be used carefully to avoid letting opponents switch in on immunities. Crunch is a solid and reliable secondary STAB, while Stone Edge provides useful additional coverage. Pursuit is important for eliminating Ghosts like Mismagius and Rotom.
Defensive Hitmontop stands out as one of the most common Krookodile counters, so packing a Ghost- or Flying-type is recommended. Since Krookodile tends to eliminate opposing Ghosts, including a Rapid Spin user is a good idea - clearing hazards will become much easier. Overall, Scarf Krookodile is an interesting set with solid late-game potential.